Ensure Your Smoke Shop Is Beginner Friendly With Got Vape Wholesale

Follow Got Vape Wholesale on a quick trip down memory lane, to remember the very first time you went to a smoke shop and entered through those fateful doors into a world of glass, towering pipes, and limitless potential.
Reminisce on the joys of seeing all those amazing pieces displayed before you, your eyes wandering around that borosilicate shangri-la like a hungry fox who just woke up in the hen house.
Now that we are back in that mindset, let’s flip the script and also remember some of the less rose tinted goggle induced nostalgia of the moment; anxiety about buying the wrong item, a fear of being ripped off due to being a novice, and the worry of saying the wrong thing.
Sensory overload is multiplied by the lack of experience, which can lead to beginners either not buying anything or instead purchasing a product that produces more buyers remorse than a monkey's paw.
That’s why in this week's Got Vape Wholesale business guide we are going to be talking about how to make your shop friendly for beginners including specific starter guides for cartridges, dry herbs, and concentrates.
Table of Contents:
Why Should I Make My Shop Beginner Friendly?
How Can I Make My Smoke Shop Beginner Friendly?
How To Make Sure Your Team Is Knowledgeable
Why You Need Easy Pick Up Starter Kits
The Best Dry Herb Starter Kit
The Best Waxy Materials Starter Kit
The Best Starter Cartridge Vaporizers
The Best CBD Disposable Devices
A Beginner Friendly Conclusion
Why Should I Make My Shop Beginner Friendly?
Simply put, you will make more money. Both in the short term with the additional punches made if you happen to create a repeat customer, which is more likely than not bound to happen as people will always be looking for replacements and additional items like rolling papers.
The other point to remember is that just because your shop is beginner friendly, it doesn’t have to lack depth. All this has to be is a certain section or area of point of sale for example where you locate these products in case any customers come by in need.
As you are only a beginner for so long, eventually some shoppers will be interested in upgrading what they bought and start moving onto the blue chip brands like Puffco for instance.
How Can I Make My Smoke Shop Beginner Friendly?
In order to make your shop beginner friendly, we believe the most effective method is to combine having the right knowledge and the right products.
These two in combination will allow you to effectively educate newer customers on whatever they are interested in and then subsequently sell them the product. Below we have broken down some ways to make sure you are all set up for this and what some good ideas to try are.
How To Make Sure Your Team Is Knowledgeable
There’s nothing worse than when you are at let's say the Home Depot, some extravagant product catches your interest and while its outside of your comfort zone you think “maybe I will buy this” and so in this fable you wander over to an employee to inquire about it only to be met with a blank glaze and an “I’m not sure”.
Now in this example we are using the Home Depot as the store in question because of course our stores would never let something like this happen. But as it is always better to err on the side of caution, we wanted to suggest that you double check your employees know everything there is to know about the products both new and old.
You shouldn’t punish employees for not knowing, but instead provide incentives to have the knowledge in order to make them actively learn it all. It’s your job as the shop owner to make sure it's an all hands on deck effort to sell as many products as possible.
To easily accomplish this, we recommend getting your employees up to date on the big three questions that customers will inevitably ask about a product.
- What does the product do?
- How is it different from the competition?
- What is the brand like?
If you can ensure your employees know basic answers for those three questions, then 99% of all the initial bases will have been covered. No one needs to know every single mAh rating, but if they know its function and how it compares, then they have all the information needed to complete a sale.

Why You Need Easy Pick Up Starter Kits
When your new customer first comes into the shop, whenever they are done browsing and ask for help your first question should always be whether they are looking for a dry herb, wax concentrate, or cartridge experience.
This will help narrow down where you should direct them and is a great way to break down what the most popular options are for vaporizing / smoking.
Below we are going to point out the best options available for starter kits that are all highly effective combinations of low entry price, ease for beginners, and quality enough to get your new customer to come back for more.
The Best Dry Herb Starter Kit
For your customers dry herb needs, an excellent choice to recommend is the Thicket All In One Rolling Paper Kits that each come with 30 stand alone packages of papers, a grinding strip, and filters.
Having used these ourselves quite a bit, we can attest that the novel grinding strip in this kit works well for dry herbs and actually gets a pretty nice shred.
Additionally let customers know that the Thicket papers burn really well, our experts have tested them and they are a smooth, slow burn that is perfect for beginners getting into dry materials.
It's good to have some talking points ready, as saying you have real experience with the products is a great way to build trust with the new customer.
The Best Waxy Materials Starter Kit
Wax concentrate materials offer a very potent experience for customers but traditionally has had a high barrier of entry due to the excessive costs that usually surround torches and glass capable of handling the high temperatures needed.
This means that despite the materials being around equal cost with typical dry herbs, the general public can be turned off from the price tags associated with these.
That’s why we highly recommend creating your own starter kits for true to life dabbing by checking out an awesome pairing from the always reliable Wulf Mods!
We recommend that you pair the Spire Torch and the Smoked Glass Nectar Straws to create an easy grab dabbing starter set that customers can get for less than $20 out the door. With the torch and nectar straw, customers can get to enjoying their wax immediately after leaving!
That’s an awesome deal for customers to get started with waxy materials and is at a price point that would be very attractive to beginners who don’t want to overspend. For an added incentive, you could always offer a 10 - 20% discount when you buy the two together.
This gives customers both a positive impression of your shop and gets them to pull the trigger on the sale that much faster.
The Best Starter Cartridge Vaporizers
Having cartridge batteries that are both affordable and quality is an absolute must, as customers never forget when they buy a vape from a shop and it dies a week later.
That’s why we think investing in some quality yet bargain bin priced products like the Exxus Vape Slim 2.0 12pk and the Yocan Kodo Animal Series 10pk.
Both of these are 510 threaded compatible, have multiple heat settings, and are from trusted companies with a reputation of making reliable devices that punch well above their price tags weight. That means they are both sure fire choices to point your new customers towards that will give them everything they need to enjoy any threaded cartridges!
For an added bonus, why not stock up on some cartridges of your own in order to have some right on hand in case customers are in need?
We recommend Hidden Hills 2G Heady Blend, they are potent experiences and have expert flavor profiles to ease new customers into the act of vaping. This way shoppers can get both their pen and their cartridge for the first time from your smoke shop.
The Best CBD Disposable Device
Lastly, we wanted to make sure that we pointed out the popularity of disposable vaporizers pre loaded with a hemp derived concentrate material that has quickly become a fan favorite.
These disposable products come pre-charged and pre-loaded so all the customer has to do is take it out of the box and they are all ready to start vaping. This is really attractive to people who are new to vaping, as it removes all extra steps other than choosing a flavor and paying.
Additionally these CBD products are completely devoid of tobacco and nicotine, so they can provide a nice alternative to those who want to vape but don’t like the traditional methods that are widely available.
One of our best selling CBD disposables is the excellent Hidden Hills The Rizz Live Sugar 3g D9, THC-P, and HTE Blend Disposable 5pk! Hidden Hills is a SoCal based company with a strong reputation for providing both potent and reliable CBD products that are fully legal under all federal regulations.
Another great choice to stock up on is the Rare Bar 2G D8 Disposable thanks to their recognizable name and diverse selection of 10 different flavors. It's always good to have different brands on hand, it gives newer customers more of a choice and makes them feel better about the purchase.
A Beginner Friendly Conclusion
Now that we are through our exploration of how you can easily tune your shop to cater to these beginner customers for a boosted profit margin, it’s time to put some of these plans into action.
With the commencement of the Fall and Winter season imminent, now is the perfect time to make your shop beginner friendly as people look to curl up with a new vape for the colder weather or are looking to gift their loved one something special!
For more business insights, ruminations, and product breakdowns, make sure to check out the rest of our postings right here at the Got Vape Wholesale Blog!
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