A Guide To Selling Your Customer The Best Hand Pipe

Much in the same way that monkeys used bones to pave the way to advanced civilization in 2001: A Space Odyssey, human beings have been using the hand pipe to unlock the power of their dry herbs for about as long as we've been around.
In fact hand pipes have been so ubiquitous with humanity that if the plot of Encino Man were to manifest in reality that recently unfrozen caveman’s first words would be “can you light this bowl?”.
Okay - maybe we are stretching it a bit there, but the point we are trying to get across is that hand pipes are an absolute staple of the business and are synonymous in customers minds with the very essence of what a smoke shop should provide. But amidst this deluge of popularity there exists a problem - with so many options available, how do you sell your customer the right hand pipe?
Well Got Vape Wholesale has got the answer for you because in this week's Business Blog we’ve broken down everything there is to know about hand pipes and given you a go to guide on how to pair these ubiquitous devices with all the types of customers you will encounter.
Table of Contents:
What Is A Hand Pipe?
What Are Hand Pipes Made Out Of?
What Types Of Hand Pipes Are There?
Why Do Customers Like Hand Pipes?
How To Sell Your Customers The Right Hand Pipe
Small Pipes For Quick Purchases
Stealth Hand Pipe Options
The Artistically Inclined Hand Pipe Buyer
The Gift Pipe
No Worry Hand Pipes
Best Daily Use Hand Pipes
Best Bubbler Options
Give Your Customers A Hand… Pipe!
What Is A Hand Pipe?
To get technical about things, a hand pipe is one of the most iconic tools used to smoke dry herbs that consists of a hand held bowl, neck / stem, and then a mouthpiece. Some hand pipes will additionally have a carb hole that can be operated by the thumb to control airflow as customers are inhaling from the bowl.
Keeping with its namesake, hand pipes are easily held in the palm for a highly controllable experience that requires very little time to set up. Customers can hold the pipe with one hand and pack with the other, making for a seamless way to enjoy smoking dry herbs no matter where they may be.
What Are Hand Pipes Made Out Of?
Hand Pipes like most smoking accessories are typically made of heat resistant materials like borosilicate glass or silicone. As these are highly used pieces, glass and silicone are naturally choices thanks to their ability to handle high temperatures and still stand the test of time.
In addition to these common materials, hand pipes are also made from all natural materials like wood and stone to provide a more historical type experience. Sometimes artists will make hand pipes from truly exotic materials to create one of a kind pieces.
What Types Of Hand Pipes Are There?
Within the domain of hand pipes there lies many a different sub categories that cater to specific dry herb niches. Some of these different types of hand pipes are much different, whereas others are sort of a square / rectangle six of one, half a dozen of another situation.
To help you make sense of it all, here are some of the major categories of hand pipes that you should be aware of in order to better match your customers needs.
Hand Pipes: The old tried and true classic. Hand Pipes are typically made of glass and offer simple bowl / mouthpieces for packing dry herbs and easily smoking them.
Bubblers: For a bit more of a hand pipe splash, we have Bubblers which much as the name suggests add water filtration into the game with a small refillable reservoir built into the base of the piece.
Chillums: Quick and convenient to load, chillums offer a straight tube experience where you pack dry herbs on one end and inhale through the other. Unlike other hand pipes, chillums are front loaded.
Steam Rollers: These hand pipes are long tubes with a mouthpiece on one end and an elevated bowl on the other. Think of these as kind of a hybrid between the chillum and a normal bowl style pipe.
Dugouts: These combo pieces will involve a small chillum esque hand pipe in combination with a small chamber to house ground dry herbs. This lets customers easily repack their dugout while on the go, a massive selling point.
Make use of the links above to easily check out the 4 main types of hand pipes that we feature at Got Vape Wholesale.

Why Do Customers Like Hand Pipes?
Hope you packed your galoshes because we’re going to take a quick trip inside of the mind of the customer to understand why exactly these otherwise unassuming items have conquered the hearts of minds of people the world over.
The first notch on the belt of hand pipes lies with their unbeatable durability. Without any moving parts, complicated internals, or electronic elements, hand pipes are devices that can quite literally last forever. Just look at these 400 year old hand pipes from Jamestown and then realize that we have ancient pipes dating back over 3,000 years! So when you tell your customers that hand pipes have good value, you’re not messing around!
Next we have accessibility. Hand Pipes are incredibly easy to pack and don’t require any intimate smoking knowledge to know how to use. This makes them ideal for beginners, while also being reliable to the point that even the most expert of herb smokers will still choose to use them.
Rounding out the appeal is that thanks to their basic elements, hand pipes are highly customizable with a variety of different visual options providing a truly endless well of different styles, themes, and designs!
How To Sell Your Customers The Right Hand Pipe
Onto the meat of the issue, with so many different options out there the task of pairing your customer with a product that satisfies their needs can seem daunting.
But on the other side of the coin, we want to point out that with so much variance out there, matching shoppers with a hand pipe directly tailored to their specific interests is actually possible!
A good question is to ask if they’ve had a hand pipe before and if so what they liked or did not like about it. This way you can avoid the same pitfalls as the previous hand pipe and pair them with one that will have them coming back time and time again for recommendations!
To assist with your hand pipe taste matching, we have broken down our collection by the interests that they satisfy within your customer base. This way when you get asked for the perfect gift pipe, you will know exactly what to fill the order with.
Small Pipes For Quick Purchases
One of the most common types of hand pipes customers will be in search of are ones that are small and cheap. This is often people who would like to enjoy some dry herbs with friends, but aren’t too interested in spending a lot.
We recommend taking a look at items such as the 4 Inch Mix Colored Pipe and the 3.5 inch Hand Pipe with Mixed Art Colors both from GV Glass Distro. These both perfectly fit the bill as they are both highly capable and affordable.
Another great option to consider is the 3.5 Inch Small Hand Pipe, also from GV Glass Distro, as these feature several small bumps next to the bowl to give customers an easier grip as they light their dry herbs.
For bulk options, we have the Rainbow Design Tobacco Pipe 24pk that uses a combination of glass and metal to create an incredibly cost effective tool. Also available is the Dice Design Tobacco Pipe 12pk which as you can see offer boosted visuals with the same classic hand pipe design.
Stealth Hand Pipe Options
Another type of customer request you will commonly see is those that are looking for a hand pipe that lets them smoke their dry herbs without drawing as much attention to themselves. Not only this but they need a device that can easily be stowed away and then brought out again for more dry herb enjoyment.
Luckily for these customers, the Dugout option of hand pipes fits the bill with great options available like the Quantum PAC Dugout With Poker and Small Quantum PAC With Poker! Both of these options have a host of different wavy color designs that have become an undeniable crowd favorite with shoppers. Quantum PAC has also hooked these Dugouts up with pokers in order to make swapping in new dry herb after a hit quick and easy.
For some true cloak and dagger smoking, we also carry the Cigarette Tobacco Pipe Smoking Set 100pk. These are excellent and look exactly like a classic cigarette but are in fact mini dry herb chillums that work as perfect stealth one hitters.
Lastly, round out your stealth offerings with the excellent Sneak a Toke Assorted Colors 30pk to give shoppers a fully functional 1” chillum! These are fun little items to pick up and are an absolute hit with customers who want to enjoy their herbs on the down low.

The Artistically Inclined Hand Pipe Buyer
Another significant customer base is going to be looking for hand pipes due to their wide array of different creative design options. These customers are people who enjoy the glass sculptures that artists are able to make and are willing to pay more if it means they get a unique item that fits their specific sensibilities.
For this we wanted to point you to our Empire Glass Dry Hand Pipe Collection which features 7 elevated glass designs that do a complete 180˚ on typical hand pipe design by having them look like faux items they’d come across in real life.
To give you a picture of the different options they have everything from Avocados and Spam Musubi to Ice Cream Cones and Donuts! All of these options have been built by Empire Glass out of premium borosilicate glass materials for solid durability, been given a large bowl for dry herb backs, and are a truly excellent collection to spruce up your hand pipes with.
For all of the sneaker head customers out there, we also wanted to point out the incredibly well made Retro Highz Sneaker V2 Hand Pipe. These basketball shoe inspired pipes are instantly recognizable and come in a variety of three different color designs: black, red, and white. For an added artist's touch, all of Retro Highz hand pipes are hand made.
The Gift Pipe
A common hand pipe customer you will encounter is one who is looking to get a friend or significant other a gift. This means that they are going to be looking for something that is memorable, unique, and personal to them, but not prohibitively expensive.
To cater to these customers we recommend carrying the Mobacoo Monkey Pipe 12pk as these have an ultra unique sliding system where the hand pipe actually folds into itself for a smaller storage.
For more of a novelty gift, we also have Corn Cob Pipe 12pks and Cherry Wood Pipes 12pks that come with nice sets of individual hand pipes built out of all natural materials like corn cob husk and cherry wood.
Lastly for a literally cool gift, we have the 4 Inch Glycerin Filled Hand Pipe which is a perfect one off item to get a friend who loves to smoke dry herb. These Hand Pipes have been given a special glycerin core that allows them to be put in the freezer and then used after for an ice cold blast of dry herbs.
No Worry Hand Pipes
Should a customer come through the door looking for a hand pipe that they don’t have to let say treat with care and it will still come through for them. As opposed to glass pipes, the ones we recommend are made out of nigh on indestructible materials that can withstand a bit of heavy seshing.
For these shoppers we recommend stocking the Headway Designs hand Pipe 24pk as these have been made from quality acrylic materials which are absolutely excellent at withstanding any drops or bangs it may encounter.
Also great is the Keychain Necklace Metal Pipe 12pk as not only are these all metal beasts, but they also come with a handy keychain to let them literally attach the pipe to themselves. At 3” long, these Keychain Pipes are big enough to provide quality smoke while still being able to easily hang from a belt loop.
For a chillum option, also be sure to check out the 3 Inch Silicone Chillum Key Chain with Glass Bowl because these also have a nice key loop attachment but also have the bonus of being made from ultra durable silicone.
Best Daily Use Hand Pipes
Now for a sort of best of catch all - the hand pipes included here are some of the best of the best and offer all round improved experiences at the cost of a higher price tag.
There’s no other way to kick this off than to first dive into the utterly sublime Empire Glass Spoon Pipe Collection. These pipes all measure in at about 4” long, have been made from top tier borosilicate glass, and feature a single carb for easy air flow control.
The designs featured on these Spoon Pipes range from ferocious Dragons to serene Koi Ponds in order to give you a vast amount of different options. Look over the 15+ design options available and also be sure to check out bulk packs like the Assorted Psychedelic Spoon Hand Pipe 4pk. No matter which ones you settle on, you can guarantee that customers looking for a good “old reliable” hand pipe are going to be absolutely blown away by this collection.
For more easy daily use pipes, we also wanted to point out the elevated 5 Inch Premium Sherlock Hand Pipe and the 6 Inch Glow In The Dark Hand Pipe both from GV Glass Distro. As classic hand pipes both of these designs have been made from premium glass materials and are large enough to pack some seriously potent bowls of dry herbs.

Best Bubbler Options
Bubblers are a great choice for customers who want the smoothest possible smoking experience from a hand pipe. Through the addition of water filtration Bubblers gain their trade mark “bubbling” sound as dry herb smoke filters through to the customer.
For an absolute work horse of an option we highly recommend the 8 Inch Bubbler for its sizable stature and premium borosilicate glass construction. For a slightly smaller option there’s also the 5 inch Full Art Colored Bubbler and 6 inch Glow in the Dark Bubbler available.
Having bubblers on deck is a great way to not only carry the best hand pipes, but also to make sure that you have all of the various customer niches covered.
Give Your Customers A Hand… Pipe!
There you have it folks, the definitive guide to selling your customers the absolute best possible hand pipe for their interests! Now all that’s left to do is review your own inventory of hand pipes and see if there are any gaps that you would like to fill in.
Thanks for reading and please make sure to check out the rest of our postings at the Official Got Vape Wholesale Business Blog! We have recently looked at how to prepare for the unfolding year of 2025 and also assembled a collection of all the best dry herbs vapes you need to stock!
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