Got Vape Wholesale Presents: Display Cabinet Theory

From game theory to scrabble theory, there are quite a few ideas out there looking to explain the various essential questions that have beset humanity throughout our collective existence.
But amidst this sea of the inquiries, there exists one so existentially important that it hasn’t even been broached - until now. Having braved the intellectual wilds and conducted thorough research, our A.I. chat bot has made a significant breakthrough in the realm of Display Cabinet Theory!
Now we may have been slightly facetious in our introduction about the philosophical significance of retail display cabinet theory, but the reality is that when it comes to your smoke shop and your customers' buying habits, these ideas are that important.
That’s why today we are putting our faces up to the glass and taking a deep dive into how you can maximize your cabinet displays for increased profit and steady business growth. Got Vape Wholesale is here to provide you the secret sauce of display cabinet theory so sit back and let us take you through this exclusive crash course.
Table of Contents:
Why Should You Care About Display Cabinets
Inspire Future Purchases
A Visual Representation Of Quality
How Can I Maximize My Smoke Shop’s Display Cabinets?
Attain Proper Cabinet Composition
Dynamic Arrangement
Proper Cabinet Lighting
Visible Pricing
Reviewing Your Color Combos
The Onion Effect
Wrapping Up Display Cabinet Theory
Why Should You Care About Display Cabinets?
First off, let's go over why you, as a business owner, should care about the composition and layout of the cabinets in your store. This isn’t simply an aesthetic choice, but actually strategic placement of your products to maximize your sales.
By removing clutter and properly placing your products, you are going to direct the eye of the customer exactly where you want it and avoid your customers from getting lost or disinterested due to the clutter of your cabinets.
The ultimate goal of all this is to reinforce customers' confidence in your shop and thus are more likely to purchase big ticket items from you. With some many competitors out there, small little changes like the ones we suggest below have the ability to directly raise your profits through increased sales.

Inspire Future Purchases
If you do this correctly you are going to create what we call the “save it for next time” purchases where shoppers are able to create aspirational purchases in their mind. For example lets say a customer pops in looking for a brand new Puffco Proxy Terrapipe, but while they are there due to your positioning they can’t help notice the Peak Pro with 3DXL Atomizer on the shelf.
While they will still purchase the Terrapipe, the seed has now been planted in their head and the aspirational purchase has been created. In essence you can pretend that you are Inception-ing the idea into their heads so that you can reap the profit benefits down the line.
When it comes to more expensive major brands like Storz and Bickel or Puffco, customers are approaching these as real investment purchases. As a result they will wait it out to purchase their device from a source they deem to be the most reliable source for quality.
That’s why by displaying these big ticket items correctly you are laying the groundwork with your customers to establish yourself as a safe, reliable source for these brands.
A Visual Representation Of Quality
Properly arranging your cabinets gives shoppers an impression right off the bat that you are someone who cares about quality. Without having to say anything, the customer will have a positive first impression that clearly you are someone who values the items you sell and cares enough to properly display them.
This predisposes the consumer to want to spend more money with you and see you as a legitimate option for the products you have. Treat your products with the esteem that you want your customers to view them with. This way you are putting your best foot forward and ensuring your shop stands out from the rest.

How Can I Maximize My Smoke Shop’s Display Cabinets?
Onto the question at hand, how can we display our products in a way that is the most enticing to possible consumers. Think of these tips like plating at a restaurant, you already have the delicious meal cooked - now you are just presenting it in a way that’s appetizing.
At the end of the day all we are talking about is moving your existing glass and vaporizers around on the shelf. All of the changes are completely free and you will be able to tweak them as you find out what exactly works best for your customer.
Attain Proper Cabinet Composition
To give your cabinets a solid foundation upon which to build upon, we recommend that you start out by examining their composition. This means taking a look at the number of items in each cabinet, how they relate to each other, and how the eye naturally travels around them.
While this isn’t what scholars would call an exact science, there are some principles that you can stick to that will instantly improve the composition of your cabinets.
No slight against even numbers, but it’s an age-old design adage that items look best when displayed in odd numbers and in particular groups of three. Think about the Olympic podium - you’ve got gold, silver, and bronze - a trifecta that perfectly encapsulates the way we automatically sort things in our minds by way of 3.
Try grouping 3 items you want to spot light in one of your smaller cabinets, or if you have a larger cabinet make sure to intersperse it with odd numbers of different items. This will give your store a visual uniformity that makes choosing between items easy for the customer.
Dynamic Arrangement
Once you have proper cabinet composition, you should take a little bit of time to ensure all of your products are placed at the most dynamic angles. This is especially important for all Glass and Silicone products that exist outside of the box for customers to see.
Start by making sure visual highlights like logos, graphic designs, and glass flourishes are all pointed in a way so that the customers can easily see them. Additionally you want to ensure functional aspects are highlighted as well such as bangers for dab rigs so they get the full story on what your product offers their sessions.
Another way to add a bit of style to the proceedings is to turn simple items like hand pipes or boxed devices at an angle so that they appear more dynamic.
This intentionally placing both consciously and subconsciously informs your customers of the value of your wares. It can mean the difference between someone pulling out their wallet or walking right back out your door to go to the next shop down the street.
Proper Cabinet Lighting
Now all of this cabinet wizardry will end up being for nothing if customers are unable to see the products you’ve so meticulously arranged. This means you are going to need well placed lighting sources in order to give your products the glow up that they deserve.
Take a look at your cabinets and see if any of them would benefit from small LED lights placed directly within the cabinet itself to provide direct lighting. This is a cost effective way to precisely light your products and doesn’t require you to change any expensive overhead bulbs. Some of this will be trial and error, but overtime you will figure out what sort of lighting you think appeals best to customers.
If you want to save on electricity, consider just switching the lights on when customers are actively looking at them. This provides a bit of theatrics as well when you get to turn on the lights and dazzle the customer with your product range.

Visible Pricing
When going about your cabinet changes, we also recommend going around to ensure all of your price points are highly visible.
This is essential to the flow of consumers' minds, as they are able to pair your elevated visuals with the information of a price to accurately make decisions in their head on where they want their money going.
For a thorough walkthrough on how to accomplish all this, look at our full length guide on how to boost your pricing visibility right here. Within we’ve gone through all of the most effective techniques your shop can use to boost your pricing visibility and ensure your cabinets are as effective as possible.
Reviewing Your Color Combos
Another element to play around with is certain color combinations among your pieces. Try to arrange the various colors of your glass pieces in a way that lets each shine.
This one is fun because you can really take it in a lot of different directions. For instance you could group similar color pieces together to create a unified vibe. Or go the opposite direction and mix your colors to achieve blends of colors that entice the customer to look further.
Whatever sort of theme you go with, the idea is to be conscious of the various colors of your pieces and to put some thought into them, instead of none. Customers will notice the pairings and love the effort you’ve put in - which for some will be enough of a reason to make a return trip.
The Onion Effect
Much like Ogres, your cabinets have layers - which is why we thought it’d be apropos to dub our next concept the Onion Effect. This is the intentional layering of your cabinets by having a mixture of products of all different shapes, widths, and sizes to create a visually cohesive shelf presence.
The different shapes can range everything from differing heights of water pipes, box sizes, hand pipes, and other vaporizers. The goal is to give your shelves a more evenly spaced look instead of everything being crammed into one mess.
When you apply this layering, you are also giving size comparisons to really show how different your various pieces are. It’s one thing to read the differences between pipes, but when customers are in your cash and carry shop they can physically see the difference between a taller 9 Inch Water Pipe and a more compact 4” Version.
You should still group similar items near each other, but take the time to ensure there is a variety in their placement to give your inventory a visual boost. This will give customers more confidence in their purchase, help them digest the available options, and subsequently not get overwhelmed by the amount of choices.

Wrapping Up Display Cabinet Theory
With all of this in mind, it’s time for you to take a look at your various displays and spend some time tinkering with them to put these principles into effect. Don’t overwhelm yourself, instead try to focus on one cabinet at a time and see how your customers react.
Most of these tips are completely cost free, making all these concepts great to come back to at your leisure to slowly update the composition of your displays.
Thanks for checking in with us at Got Vape Wholesale and as always make sure to check out the rest of our postings over at our Official Business Blog. In recent weeks we have taken a look at the profit powers of nectar collectors and gone a deep dive into helping your business stand out from the competition.
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